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"Owner Driver Mechanic Awards - The Next Five Years" This new 72-page book with over 160 photographs takes over where the 'First Ten Years' book left off and covers the years 2019 to 2023. It is available in hardback form only and can be ordered from this website or from Blurb directly.("Owner Driver Mechanic Awards - The First Ten Years" is available in three versions, hardback, soft cover and now in PDF form. The PDF version can be ordered via this website in which case it will be delivered as a download by email via WeTransfer or similar. It can also be ordered and downloaded via this LINK. (

"A Vintage Year 2017", published December 2017, is available in hardback form with 82 pages and over 200 photographs taken during the year. You can preview the entire contents and purchase a copy on line at :
"A Vintage Year 2016" : You can preview the contents and order copies by going to where you can also browse the 80 pages and 240 photogrpahs before purchasing. A Vintage Year 2016 is available in two editions, 'Standard' with soft cover and 'Premium' with hardback and dust jacket and printed throughout on premium quality paper.
Other books including earlier volumes of "A Vintage Year" as far back as 2009 and "La Vie en Bleu" - which covers the hillclimb and celebration of French automotive achievment organised by the Bugatti Owners Club at Prescott in 2009 - are also available. They can easily be found at this LINK and searching for A Vintage Year or my name.
Other selections of my early photographs can be found in Motor Racing at Oulton Park in the 1960s (ISBN 1-84584-038-0) and Motor Racing at Oulton Park in the 1970s (ISBN 978-1-84584-164-5) both published by Veloce Publishing Ltd as part of their acclaimed "Those were the days" series. Both are now out of print but can be found at many secondhand booksellers.